Sunday 19 June 2011

15 Lamest Technology Mascots

Mascot is something to help one remembers a brand but if one chooses a wrong mascot it could backfire though. certainly did some good research in this compilation.
duke 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Here’s 15 Most Lamest Technology Mascot ever. Full content after jump.

Microsoft Office – Clippy, the animated paper clip

clippy 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Linux – Tux the penguin
tux 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Business Software Alliance – The Ferret
ferret 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Apple – Clarus the Dogcow
dogcow 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
MacOS – Hexley
hexley 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Adobe – The Creative Suite Jester
jester 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Sun Microsystem – Duke the ambassador of Java
duke 15 Lamest Technology Mascots – Jeeves
jeeves 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
IBM – The VM Bear
vm 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Microsoft – OS-TAN
microsoft 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Mozilla – The Gozilla?
mozilla 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Bell Labs – Glenda
glenda 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Gentoo – Larry the Cow
larry 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Nullsoft Winamp – Mike the Llama
llama 15 Lamest Technology Mascots
Wikipedia – Wikipede


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