Monday, 20 June 2011

Create Carbon Fibre Pattern in Photoshop

title Create Carbon Fibre Pattern in Photoshop
I’m pretty sure you know what carbon fibres are. Here’s how you can create a carbon fibre pattern and use them in any designs, all with Photoshop.

1. Create Carbon Fibre

carbon fibre pattern Create Carbon Fibre Pattern in Photoshop
Create a new canvas with the size of 4×4 px, zoomed it to the max so you can easily fill the colors and insert the colors exactly like the color table below.

2. Define as Pattern

define pattern Create Carbon Fibre Pattern in Photoshop
Click Edit -> Define Pattern and give it a pattern name. (Carbon Fibre for instance). Click OK to save it as a pattern.

3. Using Carbon Fibre Pattern

fill pattern Create Carbon Fibre Pattern in Photoshop
To test the carbon fibre pattern, create a new canvas with bigger size, 500x400px would be good. Click on Edit -> Fill (or Shift + F5), choose the carbon fibre pattern created just now, click OK and fill the section up. Here’s how your carbon fibre background should looks like:
carbon fibre pattern Create Carbon Fibre Pattern in Photoshop
Learn more about creating custom pattern with Photoshop.


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