Monday 20 June 2011

Test Web Loading Speed with Pingdom Tools

pingdom tools Test Web Loading Speed with Pingdom Tools
Here’s something I came across from Ades’s Blog. Pingdom Tools allows you to test the loading speed of your website. Just type in the URL and hit Test Now. Pingdom Tools will then mimic exactly the way your website is loaded on the web browser and output you in hierarchy the speed of each element. That includes the images, CSS, Javascripts, flash, RSS, etc.

pingdom tools byte Test Web Loading Speed with Pingdom Tools
Nobody like slow sites, therefore it’s really down to the webmaster to check and determine what is causing the slowness and perform optimization from there. With Pingdom, I guess it pretty straight forward. Pingdom also provides website monitoring services. A trial account will give you 30 days of web monitoring plus 20 free sms alerts directly to your cellphone.


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