Monday, 20 June 2011

15 Year Old Blogger Making More Than $30/day in AdSense

chloe spencer 15 Year Old Blogger Making More Than $30/day in AdSense
Meet Chloe Spencer, a young female blogger at the age of 15 but already earning more than $30/day in Google AdSense with her Neopet Cheats blog. Now, she may not earn as much as some of us are but to be earning that kind of amount at her age, that’s very impressive.

Chole’s secret to success

"In early 2006, when Chloe was 15, she decided to devote a blog to Neopets, a virtual pets site popular with kids the world over. After performing some keyword research through WordTracker and Google Suggest for her blog’s title and section headings, she discovered that “neopets cheats” was a hugely popular search term to target for her blog. So she settled on the name: the “Ultimate Neopets Cheats Site.” She then used the free service to start the blog. Chloe’s site was able to ride on the coattails of’s trust and authority in the eyes of Google, thus sidestepping the “Google Sandbox” and jumping to page 1 in Google for the term “neopet cheats” within two weeks of launch."
Chloe work blog hard like other successful bloggers, there is really no short cut to building a successful blog. Once in a while I will come across blog that are build aiming to make money from AdSense, what they don’t realise is that without proper quality content, they is no way your AdSense will revenue for you.
Read full coverage on Chloe Spencer in Cnet.


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