Sunday, 19 June 2011

Execute PHP in WordPress post, page and Widget Sidebar

phpwidget Execute PHP in Wordpress post, page and Widget Sidebar
If you are still struggling on how to insert PHP Codes inside particular blog post, page or a widget sidebar for execution; the following tutorial is for you.

Executing PHP codes in WordPress Page/Post


  1. Download phpexec.txt
  2. Rename phpexec.txt to phpexec.php
  3. Upload to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plug-in from WordPress administration menu


Anywhere in your post/pages where you want to execute a PHP Codes, insert <phpcode> before your php codes and </phpcode> your php codes.
  echo "Current date and time: ";
  echo date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A");


If you are running a blog with multiple users, you need to determine who can run this plug-in. Alter the settings in your Administration Menu. Options -> PHPExec

Executing PHP codes in WordPress widget sidebar


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Rename execphp.txt to execphp.php
  3. Upload to /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plug-in from WordPress administration menu


This plug-in work like a normal text widget except that it allows execution of PHP Codes. You can create up to 9 instances of this widget. phpwidget Execute PHP in Wordpress post, page and Widget Sidebar


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